Thursday, September 15, 2011

the little things.

making dinner usually sounds a little like this;
"ella, please get out of the kitchen"..."devon, can you please get her out of the kitchen?"
repeat, repeat, repeat until dinner is ready.

last night Devon was helping me chop pizza toppings, because my wisdom teeth are coming in and every task takes me 4 times as long [ugh!]. So, ella could not, or should I say would not, be left out.
No dangerous raw ingredients to keep her out of.
No hot stove top.
No pressing time restrictions.
okay ella, you can help!

She got up on a chair and helped us put all the toppings on the pizzas, and she loved it. She was so happy and proud and I couldn't help but step back and remind myself that it's these little moments [the three of us in the kitchen] that matter the most. These are the visions of little girl day dreams that make you want to grow up and have your own little family.

funny how something so simple can just put everything into perspective so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, story of my life-a little one tugging at my leg while trying to cook every night. somehow no matter how many times dad comes to get them they end up right there under our feet. thanks for reminding me how precious these times are.
