Monday, September 26, 2011

change your actions, change your thoughts.

this morning I was thinking of a lot of things I'd like to change about my mental processes. You know how sometimes your initial reaction to something just makes you say, "why would I think that?!" [or maybe it's just me]
I can be really hard on myself at times for things like that, but this morning I had this epiphany moment. I remembered something I had heard on one of the many radio programs I often listen to [can't recall which]. The message was basically this;
you cannot control your thoughts all the time but you can control your actions. if your impulse is to act a certain way, or say a certain thing and you know it is wrong then simply don't do it. if you do it and later feel bad about it, take a minute to reflect on what your desired action should be. After a while your change in behaviors will result in a change of the way you think.

genius, right!

I'm pretty sure they were referring to gossip, but really you can apply that logic to so many different areas of life. I guess it sorta goes hand in hand with that famous quote, "be the change you wish to see." And, the words from that classic primary song "I will go, I will do" also come to mind.
I know this is such a basic principal in psychology too, but some how it just clicked on a more personal level for me this morning.
I just need to stop letting my imperfections get me down
and strive to be better through my actions, everyday.

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